It took years, but now I’m convinced of the benefits of facial massage

Over the years, a lot of viewers of my channel have told me about the benefits of massage and facial yoga.
While I found that interesting, at the back of my mind I guess I’d really questioned just how big a difference massage could make.
But having taken time to really delve into this, it’s clear to me that facial massage and exercise can be extremely beneficial for toning muscle and skin and could even support collagen production.
It just takes 10 mins
Glasgow-based facial massage specialist Clare Maclean is the founder of, who having used a mix of exercises and massage to lift her own face, now helps others do the same through online and in-person teaching.
And she believes we can achieve the benefits in just 10 minutes a day – and you can even do it in front of the TV.
The exciting thing for me is that after years of testing out and sharing different products and devices with viewers and readers, this is something free and equally accessible to all.
Multifold benefits
Clare added: “We know Botox and fillers are such a massive trend right now. But actually, what none of that stuff does is really stimulate the collagen and the muscle, which is what you get with face massage.
“You are boosting circulation from the basal layer, the bottom layer of your skin, bringing all that oxygenated blood to the surface.
“So naturally you’re going to feel lovely and glowy afterwards and you’ll also see a difference in terms of complexion.
“I do always start with incorporating lymphatic massage, stimulating the lymphatic system to rid of toxins and get rid of all that puffiness.”
Upgrade your massage with gua sha
Clare is also a fan of gua sha, a smooth pebble-shaped stone typically made from jade or quartz, which can be used to support facial massage and drainage.
A higher quality gua sha stone will usually cost in the region of £35/40 as is the case with the pictured rose quartz one by Odacite.
Users first apply a little face oil to allow the stone to gently glide over your skin, usually by following upward motions from the toward the hairline.
Experts say you don’t need to apply a lot of pressure to reap the benefits of gua sha massage, including pain relief.
Science behind gua sha
And there is some science behind the technique.
One small study by the Unit of Circulation Research at the University Hospital of Essen, Germany, found a single treatment of gua sha massage caused a four-fold increase in microcirculation at the treated area.
It also found females responded particularly well to the treatment and that all subjects also experienced an immediate reduction in pain at the treated site.
But our hands are also a powerful massage tool.
On my channel this week Clare demonstrated some basic movements and exercises to boost circulation and help sculpt and tone skin, and there are many more professional massage therapists and facialists sharing simple routines for you to follow at home.
And when it’s something that offers clear benefits at no cost, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying it.
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